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Full Download MOd 18:43 Musixmatch music & lyrics v5.0.1 and Torrent Link
: musiXmatch is the #1 Music Enhanced Music Player on Google Play Store with +20 million users in the world and the largest and most exhaustive official catalog of synchronized lyrics."Best app 2013" on both App Store and Google Play in several countries.
Enjoy your music with lyrics, in perfect sync with the music!
Use the equalizer for a better sound or improve your discography's cover arts by adding new ones.
Works as a scrobbler for almost every other music and radio player. It even supports ALAC/FLAC
Key features
★ Support to Android Wear (even scrobbling from Google Play Music and Spotify)
★ NEW: complete UI overhaul, with smooth transitions and slick animations
★ Full Spotify, Deezer, rdio, Rhapshody, Play Music support with FloatingLyrics
★ NEW: use FloatingLyrics and enjoy lyrics everywhere
★ NEW: cast music and lyrics to your TV with Chromecast and LG Smart TVs
double check Spotify settings Download Url
★ Super fast MusicID for unlimited recognition from TV and Radio
★ Search for lyrics by typing words, artist names, or song titles
★ Sing along by removing the song's vocals (Android 4.1+)
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★ Enhanced look and feel with Material Design elements, delightful transitions, bolder colors and improved typography
★ Improved and more powerful FloatingLyrics, now even more immersive and easy to use
★ Ability to add and edit lyrics directly from the app
★ Searching lyrics is now faster and smarter
★ Updated Android Wear integration, with playback controls and immediate lyrics visualization
This app has no advertisements
More Info Musixmatch music & lyrics v5.0.1
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